Both Discrete and Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers can be used for wastewater analysis. The best instrument for your application will depend on the daily & weekly sample throughput, space, number of analyses, automation level required and detection limits required.
Both Discrete and Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers can be used as water analyzers. The best instrument will be dependent on your daily and weekly sample throughput, space, number of analyses, automation level required & detection limits required.
Leading laboratories and marine research institutes worldwide trust their sea water analysis to the SEAL AutoAnalyzer & QuAAtro Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers.
Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers are ideal for high throughput labs requiring a soil analyzer running 4 or 5 chemistries. Our Discrete Analyzers are suitable for labs running multiple chemistries, and with low to medium throughput .
For Fertilizer analysis we recommend macroflow Continuous Segmented Flow technology. The complex sample matrix and the high level of reproducibility required for the fertilizer industry makes the AutoAnalyzer ideal for this application
Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers are ideal for high throughput labs analyzing food & beverage for 4 or 5 chemistries. The QuAAtro or the AutoAnalyzers are ideal depending on the throughput & space needs of your laboratory. Our Discrete Analyzers may be suitable for low to medium throughput labs.
Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers are ideal for routine tobacco & nicotine analysis. The QuAAtro is suited to high workload & labs short on space. The AA AutoAnalyzer series is for small to medium labs.
For Pharmaceutical analysis we recommend Continuous Segmented Flow Analysis. The QuAAtro or the AutoAnalyzer are ideal depending on the throughput and space needs of your laboratory.